When you have been charged with a crime, the stakes could not be higher, both for you personally and for your family. This would not be the time to take any chances. The most sensible and pragmatic course of action is to contact an experienced criminal defense attorney in Sumter to defend throughout the legal process.
You should not just trust any lawyer with something as consequential as a criminal defense. McCall Law has deep local connections and a track record of helping clients achieve the best possible outcome in their cases. Contact us today to schedule your free initial consultation.
Criminal Cases that McCall Law Handles
At McCall Law, we defend clients in a wide range of criminal cases. We represent clients in the following types of cases:
- Drug crimes
- Embezzlement
- Bribery
- Grand larceny
- Insurance fraud
- Mail fraud
- Wire fraud
- Check fraud
- Credit card fraud
White collar criminal charges require the intensive involvement of your attorney. Chances are that you will be subject to an investigation before charges are filed, and your attorney would need to interact with prosecutors.
Felonies and Misdemeanors Under South Carolina Law
While there are significant differences between felony and misdemeanor charges, both are extremely serious. Both can mean a threat to your freedom and your long-term future. A misdemeanor may be referred to as a “lesser offense,” but there is nothing minor about it.
Nevertheless, here are some differences between felony and misdemeanor charges in South Carolina:
- Misdemeanor charges carry a sentence of up to one year in jail or less, while felonies have the potential for far more prison time
- Felony convictions can result in additional penalties, such as the loss of your right to own a firearm
- Misdemeanor convictions may be eligible for expungement, depending on the circumstances, while felonies are not
Here is what misdemeanors and felonies have in common:
- Both can lead to jail time
- Both can mean long-term consequences for you, both personally and professionally
- Both can lead to permanent criminal criminal records
Especially with misdemeanor cases, it is possible to avoid prison in some circumstances. Your attorney may even be able to work out a plea deal that can get you into a diversion program or result in probation instead of jail. Never assume that there is a criminal charge that does not require the help of an experienced attorney.
Your Legal Options in a Criminal Defense Case
If you have been charged with a crime, you have two primary legal options:
- You can fight the charges, seeking either complete dismissal or an acquittal at trial
- You can negotiate with the prosecutor for a lower recommended sentence or lesser charges in exchange for a guilty plea
You may not necessarily negotiate a plea bargain at the outset of the criminal defense process. Your attorney may defend the charges and establish a strong legal defense to give you more leverage in plea bargain negotiations with the prosecutor.
Why You Need the Help of an Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney in Sumter
If you have been charged with a crime or if law enforcement has contacted you, it can be a very stressful experience. You know that there can be severe consequences, but you do not quite know how to navigate the legal system.
You should never try to do anything on your own in a criminal case. You should not even speak with law enforcement, especially when you do not have a lawyer present. You will not be able to talk yourself out of trouble, but you can talk yourself into more trouble.
In addition, you should neither speak publicly about your matter or even speak to anyone else. You never know when what you say can be used against you or whether you can be accused of tampering with a witness.
Accordingly, the first thing that you need to do when you are facing charges is to contact an experienced Sumter criminal defense attorney. McCall Law will give you commonsense advice while we stand up for your legal rights.
What to Look for in a Criminal Defense Attorney
The question in every criminal case is not whether you need an attorney. Rather, the issue is which attorney you should retain to represent you.
Your choice of a criminal defense attorney for your case is crucial. You are entrusting your and your family’s future to your lawyer because they can make a significant difference in your case. This is a choice that you must be deliberate about, even though you need to move quickly to hire a lawyer.
These are some important things that you should look for or pay close attention to when hiring a criminal defense attorney:
- Whether your attorney takes the time to explain legal concepts and your situation to you in Plain English
- The lawyer must speak with you in a non-judgmental manner, with the full belief that everyone has legal rights and deserves the strongest possible legal defense
- Your rapport with your attorney and whether you can communicate with each other effectively
- Your attorney’s experience in handling similar types of cases to yours
- Whether they have connections in the local community and their overall reputation
- Whether the attorney is respected by judges, colleagues, and prosecutors
- Whether the attorney is available to you and responsive to your concerns and questions
You must make a decision in a very short period of time, but it is crucial that you make the right choice. McCall Law has deep connections in the local community and the experience necessary to provide you with quality legal representation that is aggressive and tenacious when necessary.
Contact Our Criminal Defense Attorney in Sumter, SC Today
When you need a criminal defense attorney in Sumter, SC to represent you, reach out to McCall Law immediately. We are there for you when it seems like nobody else is, providing you with vigorous legal representation. To schedule a free consultation with a criminal defense attorney, you can message us online, or you can call us today at 843-279-8148.